Join Minnesota NELA or Renew Membership
Minnesota NELA members gain opportunities for professional development through networking, educational programs, and other member benefits. Minnesota NELA can be a valuable partner to you in your law practice, representing a collective voice in promoting the rights of individual employees.
- Contact with Minnesota's leading employment lawyers
- Meetings and social gatherings, including Minnesota NELA's annual dinner
- Access to our members-only list serve
Educational Programs:
- Monthly meetings on employment law topics, with free CLE credit for approved courses
- The Eighth Circuit's bi-annual conference, a regional seminar presenting the hottest topics for plaintiff's employment lawyers
Technical Services and Other Benefits:
- Access to the members-only section of, including a brief bank, helpful orders and opinions, and more
- Amicus Curiae briefs
- Listing in Minnesota NELA's member directory
- Discount on National NELA membership
Please note: Membership in Minnesota NELA is available to attorneys who represent employees in 50% or more of their employment-related practice.
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